
Choose a Package That’s Right for Your School

Package One

Consent and Healthy Relationships Assembly Script

Our 50 minute assembly script contains carefully curated true stories from teens, which will be performed by students at your school. In the script, students share stories of nonconsensual sexual experiences, feeling objectified or pressured to perform, and bystander behavior. They define consent and share how to report acts of sexual violence, respond to peers who are identified as victims or perpetrators, and help others understand how to give and ask for consent. Finally, the script concludes with models of healthy relationships. The assembly can be tailored to address the needs and time constraints of your school.

*For an additional fee, we can tailor part of the assembly to address your school’s specific needs and concerns.

Package Two

Assembly Script + Production Guidance

Our theatrical director will work with you to create the assembly at your school either by:

     1. training your school’s liaison to direct the assembly, or
     2. training students to perform the assembly from start to finish. 

Package Three

Assembly Script + Formal Presentation

In addition to the assembly, our consent trainer will talk to students about sexual assault prevention, alcohol/drugs and consent, and what students can do to ask for support. This training can be adjusted to fit your assembly time-slot.

Package Four

Multi-Day: Assembly Script + Debrief (lesson plans) + Follow Up

Should a school wish to precede or follow the assembly with further educational opportunities, we can offer the following: a Parent Ed night for parents on how to open the lines of communication with their kids about sex and intimacy; a training for faculty and student leaders on how to lead (or co-lead) follow up discussions on the assembly and consent. We can offer interactive workshops and/or provide curriculum for teachers to keep the conversation going! We recommend this option to schools that want to facilitate an ongoing dialogue about creating consent culture.

*For more information on packages and prices, or to request a free consultation to see what might be the best fit for your school, please contact us.